
The Zhongshan Building

The Hubs for Good programme aims to provide support for the development of creative hubs to be key drivers and catalysts for good in their community. In line with the programme’s objectives, five grants were awarded to Malaysian creative hubs in March 2020 for the purpose of conducting clinics, workshops or exchanges with experts to increase the capacity of creative hubs and advance professional development of hub managers in areas such as social media audience engagement, mass media and public relations, branding and legal. 

As each grantee completes their project, they also engage in sharing sessions with their communities and the wider Malaysian hub network, offering each creative hub and its manager’s unique insights on the grant experience and knowledge gained. Explore the digital contents below for more resources: think-pieces, presentations, guides and recordings of the sharing sessions.

New Naratif – Social media audience engagement

New Naratif's Social Media Manager, Yi Peng, introduces and shares the strategies New Naratif has implemented on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to boost engagement and reach.

Learn more about New Naratif

Rimbun Dahan – Guiding hub members through media training

Rimbun Dahan’s Director, Bilqis Hijjas presents a few key perspectives drawing on materials from Sharmilla Ganesan's 4-session workshop "Mass Media Training for Arts Makers" and Rupa Subramaniam's 3-session workshop "Improving Online Visibility for Cultural Practitioners", as recently presented to the members of Rimbun Dahan. 

 Workshop 1 - Mass Media Training for Arts Makers 

 Workshop 2 - Improving Online Visibility for Cultural Practitioners 

Learn more about Rimbun Dahan

The Zhongshan Building – Branding exercise

The Zhongshan Building’s Co-founder and Manager, Liza Ho, shares the hub’s new materials for increased communication with audiences and visitors through way-finding, directory, guide book and a more active and engaged social media.

Learn more about The Zhongshan Building

Borneo Laboratory – Rethinking public relations

Borneo Laboratory’s Co-founder, Wendy Teo, shares Borneo Laboratory’s approaches in communication and planning, towards setting up a physical art hub in downtown Kuching, in the midst of the New Normal.

Learn more about Borneo Laboratory

HAUS KCH – Legal guidelines for hub leaders

HAUS KCH's Co-founder and Director, John-Paul Davis shares the hub's legal journey and learning points, as well as a simple handbook and document templates as guidelines on the legal aspects of running a creative hub.

Learn more about HAUS KCH