As a cultural relations organisation, the British Council has policies that it abides by:


The British Council recognises that we have a fundamental duty of care towards all of the children we engage with including a duty to protect them from abuse. We achieve this through compliance with UK child protection laws and relevant laws in each of the countries we operate in, as well as by adherence to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989. 

You can read our full policy on child protection in English.


The British Council is committed to meeting UK and international standards for managing our environmental impact. We recognise the impact of our business operations and activities on the environment. We also recognise the threat of climate change to prosperity, social justice and quality of life. We are therefore committed to managing and minimising our environmental impact. 

You can read our full environment policy in English.


The British Council, as the UK’s principal cultural relations organisation, is strongly committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. Our work is centred on building meaningful, enduring and respectful relationships across different cultures. We cannot do this if we do not have a commitment to equality, inclusion and valuing diversity. 

You can read our full policy in English to find out how we build equal opportunities and diversity into our programmes and projects and who you can contact for more information.