In-person focus group lab

Exploring the opportunities and future of Malaysia's Creative Economy 

The Creative Economy Report 2023, developed by the British Council Malaysia and Think City, provides a snapshot of the state of Malaysia's creative sector. Through in-depth research, the report highlights the key challenges, opportunities, and trends shaping the industry while exploring strategies for its growth. 

The study involves a combination of in-person labs and online interviews with practitioners, funders, and policymakers across Malaysia. These discussions provide valuable insights into how creative professionals navigate the sector, particularly in secondary cities such as George Town, Johor Bahru, and Kuching. The research examines why practitioners choose to stay or relocate, how innovative practices can be adapted elsewhere, and what barriers and opportunities exist in fudning and policy support. It also includes a comparative policy analysis of Malaysia and selected ASEAN countries to understand regional approaches to creative sector development. 

This report serves as a resource for policymakers, funders, and industry stakeholders, offering recommendations to strengthen Malaysia's creative sector. Read the full report below.