Sustainable & Generative Production Strategies is a Connections Through Culture 2023-24 project, by Fieldwork Studio with Gunung Cherita and Marginlaia Pictures
This collaboration focuses on inclusive models of development and production in artist film, moving image and performance to camera, across stage and screen. Supported through research, digital exchange, and in-person residencies which explored sustainable strategies, to foster cross-cultural learning.
The site specific residency was hosted at Slade Farm Organics, a three-generation tenant farm situated on the Glamorgan Heritage Coast. This residnecy brought together Phoebe Davies (Fieldwork Studio), Qila Gill (Marginalia Pictures) and Lutfi Hakim Ariff (Gunung Cherita) and invited artists, filmmakers, researchers and producers from Wales and the UK to share methodologies across arts, film, ecology and agriculture. The artist development programme was shaped by the organic agriculture principles of: health, ecology, fairness & care.