Teachers looking at materials

Mike Lee

“If there’s another teacher who’s interested in joining (Primary Innovations), I would recommend this course to them. I would tell them when you come back you will be a better trainer. They will have more ideas. You know for me over the years after 15th, 16th year doing the same thing you start being very laid back and it’s like you know everything is at your fingertip. After you attend this course it will wake you up a little bit. Even though I still have 8 years to go still I feel can make a difference, it’s like a wake up call” (Balbir Kaur, Trainer, SK Sri Tangkak, Johor)

Primary Innovations is a programme designed in collaboration with UK ELT consultant, Jayne Moon, and implemented by the British Council and the Ministry of Education. It aims to increase the number of Malaysian English language trainers with a good foundation in primary teaching who can effectively deliver teacher training workshops.

To provide an opportunity for capacity building and changing approaches to teacher training, the British Council worked with trainers in local training colleges to develop Master Trainers who could then cascade the Primary Innovations programme. Participants were chosen from three states to attend 180 hours of course work over three years.

The programme focussed on:

  • Trainer Facilitation, Mentoring and Course Development Skills/ Knowledge (Both knowing that and knowing how to)
  • Knowledge of Children‘s L2 learning & YL Pedagogic Content Knowledge
  • Professional Development

In between phases, participants arranged and delivered workshops to teachers while being observed by master trainers so they could put into practice new methodologies and techniques they had learned.

From 2013, Primary Innovations is being incorporated into pre-service teacher training in partnership with IPGM of the Ministry of Education.

If you would like to know more, please contact Caspar Mays at +603-2723 7935 or caspar.mays@britishcouncil.org.my