19 February 2025 -
09:00 to 18:00
Sunway University, Malaysia


The UK and Malaysia have long-standing higher education (HE) relationships, strengthened by historical ties, shared interests and goals.  In a 2023 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the two countries renewed their commitment to expanding collaborative efforts in higher education, research and innovation.

Since 2024, Malaysia and China have discussed strategic initiatives to strengthen HE cooperation while celebrating the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations.

The British Council has always recognised the vital role that HE plays in building robust, collaborative relationships between nations. To further strengthen knowledge sharing, cultural exchange, mobility and research excellence between our nations, the British Council has established the UK-Malaysia University Consortium and the UK-Jiangsu University Consortium, working in collaboration with local and provincial government departments. Against the backdrop of greater educational globalisation and the need to find innovative solutions to the challenges this brings, we are now hosting a UK-Malaysia-Jiangsu (China) Higher Education Forum in 2025 with the theme of A Strategic Alliance for Global Excellence.

This Forum will:

  • bring together the UK-Malaysia University Consortium and the UK-Jiangsu University Consortium – both set up by the British Council
  • build on existing diplomatic and partnership frameworks to create deeper, more responsive and adaptable partnerships between the UK, Malaysia and Jiangsu (China), enabling them to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world
  • set the stage for sustainable HE partnerships to drive innovation and excellence in the region and beyond

The importance of multilateral collaboration

With increasingly complex global challenges ahead, the need for strong, multilateral partnerships in higher education is now urgent. Stronger collaboration between the UK, Malaysia and Jiangsu (China) will better achieve shared goals of academic excellence, technological innovation and global sustainability.

The UK-Malaysia-Jiangsu (China) Education Forum 2025 will be a catalyst for stronger partnerships in education, research, talent development and economic growth. It will empower partners to:

  • share knowledge
  • leverage collective strengths
  • create new opportunities for students, academics and institutions

ASEAN inclusion

Malaysia’s leadership as the Chair of ASEAN in 2025 amplifies the importance of strategic collaboration across the region. The UK has been a Dialogue Partner to ASEAN since 2021. China continues to be a valuable partner in ASEAN’s wider regional engagement, with its increasingly integrated approach to higher education, creating opportunities for multilateral cooperation. The convergence of the strategic roles and links between all three countries and the broader region.


1. Barriers and solutions to trilateral and multilateral partnerships in higher education:

  • Identify the main drivers and challenges for UK-Malaysia-Jiangsu (China) collaborations
  • Find pathways to overcome barriers to partnership, innovation, and knowledge exchange 

2. Innovative opportunities for collaborations between the UK, Malaysia and Jiangsu (China):

  • Highlight and explore successful models of collaboration in education and research
  • Identify opportunities for greater cooperation across academic, government and industrial sectors 

3. Models of best practice and innovation for funding and sustainability in consortia partnerships

  • Understand how funding models can adapt to support long-term and sustainable collaborations in higher education and research among diverse partners 

4. Priority areas of collaboration:

  • Student outcomes: explore strategies to enhance outward mobility, entrepreneurial skills and student employability across the UK, Malaysia and Jiangsu (China)
  • Research innovation and Centres of Excellence: discuss strategies for joint research, establishing Centres of Excellence and fostering global innovation
  • Transnational education (TNE) and other joint models of collaboration: identify key trends and innovations in TNE, dual degrees and other models that align with the needs 

5. Strategic framework for collaboration:

  • Create a shared vision for future partnerships
  • Outline actionable commitments
  • Create a framework for collaboration to drive progress in higher education, research and innovation


The UK-Malaysia-Jiangsu (China) Higher Education Forum 2025 is a milestone in the evolution of global academic collaboration. By uniting the strengths and insights of higher education leaders, policy makers and academics from the UK, Malaysia and Jiangsu (China), the Forum will advance higher education and research, building a sustainable framework for success in years ahead. Through strategic multilateral collaboration and innovation, it will create opportunities for students, researchers, and institutions to benefit not just Malaysia, Jiangsu (China) and the UK, but the whole world.


For more information, please contact:

Prabha Sundram, Head of Education, Malaysia, British Council