Taking an exam is difficult enough, without having to worry about how many sections there are, how long it is, what the different question types will be, etc.

Our IELTS preparation courses offer exposure to actual IELTS tasks and are all taught by qualified and experienced IELTS teachers. On each course:

  • get tips and strategies to help you in the exam
  • become familiar with the format of the exam
  • get the chance to do writing practice for both parts of the writing exam, and get feedback from the teacher
  • have the opportunity to practice all the different sections of the exam
  • learn useful vocabulary and grammar

While all these things happen in every IELTS preparation course, our advice is that you do more than one course (there is a series of 5 courses at each level – Lower IELTS and Upper IELTS) if you really need to improve your band score.

Simply completing one course will not necessarily get you a higher score – as a better score requires better language skills, which can only be acquired over time. 
Our advice is that if you really want to get a better a score, you will need to do a number of courses. Lower IELTS students might also need to do more general English classes as well.