
© British Council


The Underknown Skills of Classroom Management

For many teachers, classroom management seems to be almost entirely about making groups, moving chairs and giving instructions. But there are many wonderful, easy-to-learn techniques (unknown or unused even by experienced teachers) that can transform a classroom by getting students engaged, interacting and really focussed on learning.

You will discover some techniques you may know well – but also others that are new to you – and which have the potential to completely alter the quality of your teaching and your students’ learning.                                                            

Some of the techniques we’ll look at:

  • Walking away
  • Not rubberstamping
  • Blank face
  • Devil’s advocate
  • Intentional not hearing. 


Upgrade! Demand High to Bring Language Alive

The involving practical talk demonstrates how every teacher can get more out of routine coursebook exercises.

Demand-High teaching is active, interventionist, challenging teaching. DH proposes that a teacher can be a “teacher” again.

This session offers concrete practical techniques to get away from ritualised coursebook use, to help engineer a deep engagement with language and to make learning more visible, challenge students and nudge them to achieve more than they thought possible.

Demand high! Aim for upgrade!

How Teachers and Trainers Can Learn to Help More Effectively

When teachers help students (for example when they ask for advice) or when trainers help teachers (for example when giving feedback after a lesson observation) they need to be able to listen effectively to the person they are helping.

This session will introduce you to the key skill of “catalytic listening” and will involve you in some eye-opening practical exercises to help you notice your own skills.

By the end you will be much more aware of the impact that you have on the interaction and will have some techniques to improve the quality of your help.

At the symposium Jim Scrivener will deliver

- one 60 minute plenary talk on Classroom Management
- one 90 minute session on Observation and Feedback
- one 90 minute session (topic to be determined)
- In Addition, Jim will deliver a half – day workshop on Observation and Feedback on Saturday, 7 March to a selected audience