eltdp(last updated 8 July 2015)
1. We will do our very best to pay any claim which reaches the Kuching office by 1 Sept into your local bank account before you leave. Any claim reaching us between 2-30 Sept will also be paid into your local bank account, but is likely to enter your local account once you have left, so you will need to ensure you can access your Malaysian account from overseas. (See section on bank accounts).
2. No claims will be accepted once you have left the project.
Bank Accounts
1. We strongly recommend you leave your bank account open when you leave Malaysia to ensure you can still access any funds which are paid into it. It will in any case close automatically after 6-12 months’ inactivity.
2. If necessary, money can be withdrawn from your Malaysian account once you leave the country as follows:
a. Using your ATM card (you need to activate it for overseas withdrawals before you leave the country)
b. By internet (this requires a Malaysian phone no and roaming to receive the PAC no)
c. It may also be possible via telegraphic transfer to your overseas account, but we strongly advise you to agree this with your bank branch prior to leaving.
The British Council cannot be responsible if you cannot move money out of your local account once you have left the country.
3. If your local bank branch is not the one where you opened your account, you may want to consider moving your registered branch to the local one, though check how long this would take before doing so. It may not be a problem for many people but some branches don’t like to send a lot of money if it is not the registered branch so this may make the process of transferring money overseas smoother. The British Council cannot be responsible if a local branch refuse to transfer a large sum to your overseas account. Check with your local branch.
4. Please check your bank branch has your correct phone number (you need to do this at your registered branch so change this to your local branch if needed).
5. If you have changed your passport during the project, you MUST update your records at the bank in advance (this has to be done at your registered branch).
6. Visits to your bank branch are at your own cost and must, as far as possible, be made in your own time.