Have you ever felt confused by business phrases or expressions that don’t seem to mean what you expected? In this article, discover the meanings behind phrases and expressions used in real world business English so you can handle professional conversations with confidence.
Mastering business English expressions is key to thriving in today’s fast-paced business world. Whether you're looking to improve your English communication skills for meetings, presentations, or everyday conversations, understanding common business English phrases can make all the difference.
How using business English phrases improves professional communication
By using common business English expressions, you can improve your understanding of context in workplace conversations, helping you follow and contribute more effectively. This ultimately gives you a better grasp of what’s being discussed and help you communicate more clearly with your colleagues.
12 common business English phrases and what they mean
These expressions are often used by both native speakers and non-English speakers alike. They have become shorthand for common tasks and ideas, making it easier for everyone to communicate quickly and clearly.
Understanding these practical phrases can boost your business vocabulary and help make your English proficiency more effective in the workplace.
“Cut corners”
This phrase means doing something the easiest or fastest way, often by skipping important steps. In the workplace, it usually has a negative meaning, implying that someone is sacrificing quality to save time or effort.
“Get the ball rolling”
This means to start something, like a project or task. In the office, you might hear it when a team is beginning a new initiative or needs to kick off a meeting or process.
“Touch base”
To "touch base" means to check in with someone or update them briefly. It’s commonly used in the workplace to set up quick meetings or follow up on tasks.
“Back to the drawing board”
This means that a plan didn’t work, and it’s time to start over and rethink the approach. It’s often used when a project doesn’t go as expected and needs a fresh strategy.
“Call it a day”
This phrase means to stop working on something. It’s used when it’s time to wrap up tasks or end a meeting or project until the next day.
“In the loop”
This means staying informed or updated about something. In the workplace, if someone says they want to "keep you in the loop," it means they’ll make sure you’re kept informed about decisions or developments.
“On the same page”
This phrase means that everyone involved understands the situation or plan in the same way. It's important in meetings to make sure that all team members are "on the same page" before moving forward.
“Up in the air”
When something is "up in the air," it means a decision hasn’t been made yet. In the office, a project might be "up in the air" if there are still unresolved details.
“Think outside the box”
This phrase encourages more creative thinking. In the workplace, it’s often used when someone is asked to come up with a new, innovative idea or approach to solve a problem.
“The ball is in your court”
This means it’s someone’s turn to take action or make a decision. In a business setting, once a team member receives information, they might be told, "the ball is in your court" to move the project forward.
“Ahead of the curve”
This means being more advanced or innovative than others. In the workplace, a company or employee is "ahead of the curve" if they adopt new technology or ideas before their competitors.
“Hit the ground running”
This phrase means to start something with a lot of energy and immediate progress. In the workplace, if someone is expected to "hit the ground running," they need to begin a task or project quickly and efficiently without needing much preparation.
Final thoughts
Using these business English expressions can help boost your confidence and communication at work. With practice, you’ll find yourself naturally understanding and using them in everyday conversations. Start using them today and watch your English proficiency improve!